Church Organisations

Badminton (Tues. Evening)
We are a group of enthusiastic badminton players meeting on a Tuesday evening from 6pm until 8pm. Our age group is varied and we welcome anyone who is interested in playing and also enjoy the social chat that we have. Contact the Church Office for more information.

Badminton (Thurs. Morning)
Thursday morning Ladies Badminton Club meets in the Couper Hall 09.30 -12.00 and costs £15 per term. All abilities welcome.

The Boys’ Brigade
There are three sections of Boys’ Brigade catering for boys between P2 and S6. All sections meet on a Thursday evening with the boys following a badgework programme which consists of a mixture of games, challenges, cooking and craft.

We would be delighted to welcome new members into all sections and anyone interested in joining or helping should contact David Cooper, Company Captain, on (01224 316667)

Bowling Group
Held in the Coupar Hall on Thursday afternoons from 2.00pm – 4.00pm from October to mid-April. New members welcome. Contact the Church office for more details.

The four part church choir plays an important part in worship each Sunday morning between September and June, singing an introit and anthem. The musical style is varied from traditional anthems to more modern pieces.

The choir also performs for occasional charity concerts. Choir practices are held on Sunday morning at 10.00am and occasionally on weekdays for special events.

Craft Group
A group of ladies with an interest in sewing, knitting and crafts meets in the Douglas Lounge every Monday at 7.30pm between September and April.  For more information contact the Church Office.

Church Band
The band comprises of a variety of instruments, strings, woodwind, brass, percussion, guitar and keyboard and plays at several services during the year. Rehearsals are held on Sunday morning before the service. The band, like the choir, plays occasionally at local care homes. For more information, please contact the Church office.

Collecting used stamps.
If you have a collection of used stamps, pleas hand them into the Church office. They are collected on behalf of Oxfam.

Fair Trade
Fair Trade goods are for sale in the Church Hall during the tea/coffee break after the Sunday morning service. All profits from the stall go to Christian Aid.

Foreign Coins
There is also a collection made of any foreign coins that you have to spare. These are collected on behalf of the Bible Society and can be handed into the Church office.

Garden Tidy Up
Time for the Garden Gang to do the big tidy up to keep the Church Grounds as beautiful as always. All welcome to come along and help – even if you can only spare an hour. No skills required. First Saturday of every month from April to November at 9.30am

We meet in the Church Hall on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of each month: 7pm September and April and 2pm October to March. Meetings are open to both men and women and begin with a short act of worship followed by a speaker.

Seniors Club
The Seniors Club meets on the first Wednesday of every month from 2-4pm in the Church Hall. This group enjoys a varied programme of speakers, quizzes and entertainment. If you are looking for some company and a cup of tea/coffee with cakes, all for £2, please come along. There are also occasional Movie afternoons on the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 2pm from October to March. Come and enjoy watching a film with snacks provided for £2.

Social Committee
The Social Committee organise a programme of events throughout the year including Scottish Evenings, theatre outings, lunches and interesting talks on topical subjects. Please contact the office for further details of these events.

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